Latest one as you saw was JVT:
Just a tip:
If your KIES does NOT pick up the phone – then it’s probably down to the CSC – the country code.
Here is an old post/video on how to do that! (same principal applies)
I hope this helps!
Hey! very very great job and I understand all of it:D
But.. one thing: instead of chosen 2.3.5 in the firmware list, could I choose 2.3.2 and do it on the same way?
I wondering because I had 2.3.2 before I installed custom 2.3.5 (not official) and rooted my phone (GT-I9000). And I want it back and then I can e.x update via Kies. I hope this will work :)?
Well you can flash as I did, as JVT is the latest!
Or, as said in the video, you can flash JVO 2.3.3 and then let Kies potentially find the most recent update
Took me a while of trial and error to find which JVT it was + did a lot of back and forward flashing.
How to know which is the last and / or best firmware to install
If i’ve already made a flash with Kies an update it to Gingerbread.xfjv7, firmware version 2.3.4, do i have to do the firmware update back to the initial in order to update it to the newest later on
With last update (the one with Ginger), my phone is not working properly, it freezes for a few seconds and Kies can´t recognize it anymore
You should try following my guide, and then changing CSC – hopefully then, Kies will pick it up, and update it to the latest official firmware.
Currently (and finally) the latest is JW4 aka: Value Pack upgrade VPU
do i find that last update JW4 in Kies??
you put your phone in…and it should update it normally (that’s if the CSC and if you are on an official firmware), and more so, if it’s available in your country yet
I’m sorry I’m boring you
do i have to flash my phone back to stock in order to update it to latest firmware
Yes of course – that’s why I did it in the video – or else Kies won’t pick it up.
Many thanks to the video and messaging, has helped a lot
I did everything as you explained, and finally updated to the latest version
I had a small problem when Odin was stuck, but with the help of other forum`s that was resolved also
now happily using version 2.3.6 XXJW4
Glass it worked out!
With Odin, what problems did you have?
Usually it’s because you should run it as administrator, or because the usb port is being a whore lol
How to know wich country code to choose
google, would be your best bet!
I have a problem, after I followed the instructions and changed the CSC codes Kies recognized cell phone, but after a few days of use no longer wishes to recognize
What to do
The PC no longer recognises the phone?
But it worked before?
Just change USB ports – and double check the drivers are installed.
What ROM are u on then – and u updated via KIES – so i presume JW4?
-I cofused you certainly because I’m writing on two sides, so now I’ll write here everything
-Question for ARIO and other firmware: I watched the video of ARIO and started thinking about installing
-Can I do it as shown, or I’m tied to what Kies gave me
-Question to connect with Kies: JW4 is now my firmware, I changed my USB ports but it still does not work
It worked after installation and change the CSC but not any more (for no reason)
I thought to change the CSC but could not find the right one for my country
Now I use XEU for England and was working at the begining
Ok first of all, ARIO rom, etc are custom roms – as soon as u flash them, they aren’t OFFICIAL firmwares, thus when u connect it to kies, kies won’t be able to pick up or recognise your phone, unless you flash it back toa stock rom.
You can do what I showed you, but remember what I said before.
XEU, works? If so, then just stick to that. If not, then you’ll have to find the one that came with your phone, or the country specific one (i can’t really help you here, try googling for that)
From what I understand, you are on stock JW4, and want to try custom roms for the first time? If so, then go ahead, but just know that if you want to use kies, or take it in for repair to samsung, they won’t repair it with a custom rom on. You would have to go BACK to a stock rom (like shown in this post) to send it back.
Okay, thanks :).. but.. its the pit file where you put in the odin the same for if I shall flash 2.3.2/2.3.3? Or do I have to use another pit filen than you used in the video?
same PIT
I have recently flashed 2.3.3 Open europe, but the phone reboot its self all the time, what to do? Try flashing it again ?
Hey, again.. I flashed the 2.3.5 instead and that’s worked. But when I conected the unit to pc and open Kies, that is noticed: “The unit doesn’t support uppgrade from kies”, something like that. What can I do with that?
Sorry for the slow reply!
Have you tried changing your CSC?
change the csc to what
your region – in my case it was XEU
hi ive just done every thing on your vid works fine to the part where i connenct to kies it cannot find my phone any help would be awsome thanks
have u changed the CSC yet?
hey, i have tried following your guide but i go to find the XXJVT firmware like you have done in the video yet i cannot find it as it isnt showing, can you please help me out
never mind, managed to get it sorted out eventually. had to search for it in the firmware page
there u go
hey why does it say corrupt or invalid jarfile when i try to open odin
that’s odd – i would re-download the files
Dear totallydubbed.
I am from the Netherlands and i wanted to flash Cyanogenmod and i backed up my old rom in CWM. When cyanogenmod installed it just looped and i installed my backup from CWM but it was stuck. After all that i flashed the newest firmware (via PDA) but all i get is boot loop animation.
Oh and by the way the download link for the XXJVT open europe is dead on Hotfile. Do you have any tips or help that can help me?????
I could upload, just for you the JVT on my dropbox…but it will take a lil while.
In terms of your problem – what rom where u on before bro?
I do not see you have selected Bootloader Updated in ODIN. However I saw one guy’s video on utube selecting this when flashing to JVP. He said that you can flash really from anything to JVP stock with all the 4 options in ODIN selected including bootloader update. I wonder why you did not select that. Reading comments from the above I started to doubt if I should flash back to stock from Darky 10.4.2. I was thinking about flashing to JVT and then via Kies to JW4 “goodies” patch. What do you think?
I don’t get what’s the question bro :)?
STOCK via ODIN…or almost any 2 file or 4 file ODIN files can be flashed over ANYTHING.
But I don’t know why you would want to, unless specifically wanting to get back on stock for a certain reason!
I am trying to install an offical firmware from my network provider, but there are loads of error message after the phone restarts, any suggestions.
seems like you didn’t tick repartition when flashing
Try flashing it again
I ticked the re-partition box, but the same error messages, the JVT update works, but my network provider does not see the phone as one of their own and does not allow me to manage my account from my phone, any other suggestions.
Let me get this straight, your trying to access your phone’s things – ie the pre-built apps for it, via a stock un-official ROM?
Then that’s a no-brainer that it wouldn’t work.
If you want those apps etc to work, you would go via kies to update – NOT via ODIN
Kies states that the phone does not support updating. Do not know why though.
flash, as said, the stock roms – they should then be picked up by kies.
What are u on atm?
Just loaded Kies and it states even under JVT ‘Your phone does not support updating via Kies’
I was stuck on Froyo 2.2, but this not the latest from H3G (UK), they are upto 2.3.3 (SamMobile Downloaded) and 2.3.5 in beta, but when I try to flash this the error occurs, Kies reports that the phone can not be upgraded by Kies and About Phone was missing the Update Option. I am now running JVT as your instructions, but there account management software fails to recognise the phone.
you can’t update via phone.
Go as I said, on the video – and as instructed, then try and plug it into KIES.
If it doesn’t work change the CSC (I have a video on that too)
What URL to change CSC please…
I found this information, now Kies is stating that there is a firmware update to JW4
see told you…
Thanks for your help. You are a star, maybe when you re-record your video, perhaps the additional CSC changing step.
indeed – its something I missed and I apologies.
I shall add it to the description
When you do videos for so long, and so many times, you often forget things
search my website for CSC
You saved my i9000 – instructions were clear and simple. For those in Portugal with a TMN locked phone – the latest version of open Europe works perfectly and also unlocks your phone all in one. This is version JVZ or otherwise known as version 2.3.6. Note that the download file contains everything you need including Odin 1.83. Also note that the CSC and MODEM files are version JVT while the BOOT and CODE files are version JVZ, however it all worked. Furthermore, the phone took a while to boot upon first time once flashed, but don’t panic. I restarted the phone and it works 100% less all the junk TMN adds to your phone which I was never able to remove before. Can’t thank you and the folks over at sammobile[.]com. FYI – the phone was at the blue screen [ phone … computer] icon after a failed kies update. You would think that Samsung would have a way of fixing that without resorting to all these manuevers. Abundant blessings.
I’m very glad you got this sorted bro!
And great info right there for the Portuguese guys!
I guess I can always update firmware via Odin in the future should new versions come out. Although I do run the risk of voiding my warranty if it bricks my phone. But then again, Kies was the original source of why my phone crapped out, so maybe I should just stick to Odin and be happy that the phone is at least working. I will keep this post updated as I discover either new files or issues and any resolutions. Portugal TMN i9000 owners, be aware that the version I instructed may void your warranty and note that Kies will work for everything less firmware updates as already advised. Once again many thanks.
No problem.
But for your warranty issue.
Flashing even a kernel voids it.
But, if you flash a STOCK rom, that’s supported from kies, then wipe your int sd card – samsung will NEVER know you even touched your phone
I know that as I sent mine for warranty once lol.
Update: Kies does not support updating the firmware now. I have to assume this has something to do with the CSC files as you suggested but the download I fetched didn’t have matching names between files. While some files were JVZ, others were JVT. I guess if I flash to the JVT version you recommended instead of the latest JVZ, I may have better luck. What do you recommend? I now have full backups of my contacts, photos and videos I took so I am not worried about losing data. What do you recommend, or were can I find the JVZ versions of the CSC and Modem files and can I just update that without flashing the phone again?
JVZ isn’t an OFFICIAL KIES firmware. That’s why.
It’s a leaked firmware.
I advise you to flash JVT, as I said.
You should have all files CSC, Modem, phone as JVT (after you boot up the phone), and then check your CSC related to your country, in my case XEU.
Kies will then pick it up.
Thanks for all the advice. How long on average does it take for Odin to flash all the date to the phone?
You mean flashing stock rom?
Around 3mins
the only file in the firmware update is “I9100GDZKJ2_I9100GDZKJ2_I9100GOLCKJ2_HOME.tar.md5” and “SS_DL.dll”.. where’s the CSC? Phone? Modem files?
Im from malaysia n i need to downgrade to 2.3.5.. will the Kies allow me to update to 2.3.6 or directly to ICS?
Hi there – doesn’t seem you have the right file downloaded – or downloaded something else?
I9000 won’t update to ICS – ever, officially.
Im using Galaxy SII G/ GT-I9100G, i went to to the firmware page to download the firmware, i think its the correct version. I downloaded the 2.3.5, I9100GDZKJ2 2.3.5 2011 October I9100GOLCKJ2 Malaysia, inside the zip file its only contain 2 files.
Any other web i can find official firmware for my country? ICS 4.0.3 is really lag/slow. Thanks for the reply 
No idea about the S2 – this is a i9000 guide ONLY.
As replied on youtube…
After hours of sleepless night, i found it. My firmware only contain one .md5 file.. I need other version of Odin Multidownloader where’s there’s “one package” option to update the firmware. Anyway, thanks for the video! :))
ah right haha – stupid of me that I didn’t see that!
No probs!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! I thought I had totally borked my phone, but with this, my phone is now up and running again.
I’m glad i could help!
thanks for this guide
i have a i9000 mobile running a JVB 2.3.3 from a french operator (SFR).
if i connect it to kies i can upgrade it to a JVI (still SFRised i guess).
If i follow your guide, i will get rid of any added apps from my operator, having a JVT phone, and provided the csc value is correct, KIES will ask for an upgrade to JW4 (JW5?), is that it ? sounds good !
No need to install CWM before upgrading with odin ?
Thanks in advance for your answer
Well in theory yes, although I cannot guarantee it!
hey mate!
i’m so confused, the tar file that u download from sammobile does not contain all 3 files i.e. csc, pda, phone. it has no md5 files whatsoever just things like modem.bin, boot.bin, factory.rfs etc.
my phone is majorly stuffed from trying to cyanogenmod it and now i just want it back to normal.
much help is appreciated! thanks
Well you extract the .zip, and you shoudl get just a .tar – within that .tar there will be other files -> but don’t touch them.
If that’s only a 1 file installation, then put in a 512 PIT file and tick repartition, and flash the stock rom to it via PDA
thanks so much for the help mate. my sgs is totally screwed even after the doing the restore… the boot logo just keeps cycling over and over again … arghhh
try again, and what made it do that
i think i originally put in some zimage into odin for pda or phone and i think thats what stuffed up the boot…. is there anyway i can recover this?
Oh dear :/
I’m sure there is, i would suggest, trying to flash a 4 file installation. Take jvt for example.
Give it a shot.
I’m from Bangladesh, using sgs i9000. I got 2.3.3 ddjv9 official via kies. Now I’m using a custom rom (ICS 4.0.3 ICSSGS). I dont backed up my stock rom. But I want to get back to 2.3.3 ddjv9. I download flash program, Firmwares from SamMobile. I download the correct version for my country. But it won’t work for me.
The problem is when I Unzip I9000DDJV9_I9000ODDJV9_ETR_2, the following files are there…..
5. param.lfs
When I open odin I only find Pit file. I dont find Phone, CSC, PDA files.
So how can I get back to 2.3.3 official correctly?
Plaese reply.
Thanks in advanse.
Hey man,
You are extracting the file, more than you should.
With that file where you can see boot img etc, you put that whole file in pda, and as for the other files, you leave them blank, as it seems your installation is a one file installation, and not like in the video, of a four file one.
So put 512 pit, in pit, and then that file in pda, ensure repartition is ticked, and flash the firmware
Hope that helps.
I just tried what you said to do exactly. But result is negative. It pass and just boot over and over. So I have to go back to ics. Feel upset. Man if you know any other way please let me know.
Follow my guide again. And make sure you repartition as shown. There is no other way.
After your advice I tried a several time, but the result was same. Sorry man I failed. If you find any other way please let me know.
I was in ddjv9 but after update ics I’m now xxjvu. Is that a prob. If it is could you provide me the solution?
So you tried flashing a 4 file JVT with a 512 PIT with repartition ticked?
thanks for the help. I’ll let you know how it goes.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! everything is back to normal, and saved me from crying.. thanks heaps mate!
No problem man – glad it all worked out – now on JVT, you’ll have no problems flashing your official rom
I tried with the version that is provided for my country. You told me to do not zip the file and put it in PDA, I do the exactly. I put PIT 512 and tick on re partition too. But it didnt work. Odin only show “RESET”. It wasn’t say “PASS”.
I was trying to tell you that when my sgs was at 2.3.3, it had ddjv9. But after installing 4.0.3 powered by ICSSGS, it is now xxjvu.
Should I try with the Indian version 2.3.3 file? Please let me know.
If you successfully flashed stock, then yes, go ahead and flash the Indian version of it.
Fyi: reset comes just before pass usually…you should give it time
I gave it time when it says RESET in blue color. After that odin showed the massage “device removed” . After that nothing was happened.
I read your another post about jelly bean this morning. Is their any full version of that for sgs i9000? I mean all feature working rom. If you know please kindly inform me.
Search on Xda
Hi mate,
I soft bricked the phone playing with CM so I decided to go back to stock rom using ODIN using this guide…
Everything ran smoothly but after reboot the phone wants me to “Confirm password” which I obviously do not know and unfortunately even when I put CF-root customer kernel on top of it to be able to flash it again with, say MIUI, the “Confirm password” bastard won’t let me into recovery
Do you have an idea what happened here? I downloaded JVT from your direct link…
Get the SIM out, and then try flashing again – apart from that no idea :/
Hmm, I put “bad” password in there 4 times, it warned me I would loose data and everything and the process finally continued.
Don’t ask me what process since the whole flash was complete
After that I was able to go into recovery and install whatever I wanted…
thank you very much, TotallydubbedHD!!!!!!
No problem John :)!
I have soft bricked my SGS I9000 while upgrading firmware using Kies. Now my phone is dead. I want to use Odin to flash it again. I am using the phone in India. Can I use GB 2.3.6 (XXJV4) on my phone or else I will have to be satisfied with GB 2.3.3. (DDJVB). I have downloaded both from the sammobile. But I am totally confused how to go about it. It seems I have read too much resulting in consusion, Please guide me step by step to come out of the mess.
Many thanks in advance for the help…
If kies bricked your phone I would take it back to save you the hassle.
If it is out of warranty though – then flash JW4, a 4 file installation of it, then go to JVB
Thanks a ton for the prompt response. I have few more queries.
a. The XXJW4 downloaded from sammobile is a zip file containing following 3 files.
– CF-Root-XX_OXA_JW4-v4.4-CWM3RFS
– JW4_JW4_JW4.tar
– I9003_Odin3 v1.82
Have I downloaded XXJW4 correctly? If not please suggest/advice.
b. The above Odin3 V1.82 requires 5 files – pit, bootloader, pda, phone and csc. Where do I have to fit the CF-Root-XX_OXA_JW4-v4.4-CWM3RFS and JW4_JW4_JW4.tar files as extracted above? Do I need all five files for flashing? Please let me know which of these are required essentially for flashing and where to source them from.
c. Is it essential to flash my SGS with DDJVB after I have done it with XXJW4? As I understand, if I do so I would be reverting back to GB 2.3.3 (DDJVB) from GB 2.3.6. (XXJW4).
d. Will it adversely affect the functioning of the phone in India, if I retain GB 2.3.6 (JW4)?
I will wait for your response before venturing to flash it. I feel bit less confident till I have full information about flashing…
a. Yes that’s correct mate!
b. You only have JW4 in PDA FIRST, and have a 512 PIT in the PIT section + repartition. Although if you see on my stock flashing guides, you should see I got 4 files in my JW4 installations. Try getting the “other” JW4.
c. Not at all – but if you want to send it in for warranty, then you should go with what’s available in your region :)!
d. Absolutely not – only thing is, check the CSC, once the flash is complete – CSC will have effects on your mobile correctly recognising your SIM operator.
Today only I saw a posting on XDA that GB 2.3.6 DDJVB has been released by Samsung in India through Kies. I am quite skeptical of Kies since it has already bricked my SGS. Can you pl. pass on the source to download firmware DDJVB along with all required files to flash my SGS using Odin?
Use Check FUS, and/or sammobile to download them ;)!
Thanks a lot TotallydubbedHD!!!!!!
I am trying to download
from Check Fus. It shows the firmware as I9000DDJVB/I9000ODDJVB/I9000DDJV7/I9000DDJVB. Will get back to you once fully downloaded.
Thanks again….
No problem – let me know when that’s done.
I think you’ll end up with a .zip file, which then you’ll have to extract to get a .md5.tar file.
At which point you will put that file in PDA, add a 512 PIT (can be downloaded anywhere on the net), and then tick repartition -> and there you go!
HI, I could download the PDA. Tried to flash with JVB_JVB_JV7.tar and PIT files. Got ‘Pass’ in the Odin. However, the phone has entered into a boot-loop.
Received following messages on phone screen.
E:Copy _dbdata _ media: Can’t mount /dbdata
Your storage not prepared yet, please use UI Menu for format and reboot actions.
—deleting files ….
E: falied to mount /dbdata (file exists)
E: delete-data files: can’t mount /dbdata
Your storage not prepared yet, please use UI Menu for format and reboot actions.
–Updating file system —
E: falied to mount /dbdata (file exists)
E: discard_file_system_for_rfs: can’t mount /dbdata
-Wiping cache-
Formatting /cache
Cache wipe failed
–Applying multi csc….
Installing multi csc
Applied the CSC code ‘INU’
Successfully applied multi csc
Where to go from here? Please guide.
Interesting, you did put a PIT + TICK repartition?
If you did, then I suggest grabbing a 4 files installation, any stock rom, and flashing that.
I can see many users getting into boot-loop. Please suggest me which stock ROM to grab. The one meant for India DDJVB has not worked. I wonder how come the DDJVB dubbed as GB 2.3.3 released in March 2012 and the one referred as GB 2.3.6 released recently (downloaded from Check Fus), have THE SAME file contents. Moreover, DDJVB downloaded from sammobile has only 1 file (JVB_JVB_JV7.tar) along with usual Odin + Pit files. So how to go for 4 file installation? Pl suggest.
Many thanks for being a savior and only hope….
4 file installation isn’t that.
That’s a 1 file installation.
Story remains the same. The phone is still in boot loop. This time I flashed it with JW4. It is again giving the same message. Is there any way to reformat the partitions (?) . How to respond to the message “Your storage not prepared yet, please use UI Menu for format and reboot actions”?
Reply awaited please…..
No idea about that problem, never seen it.
As for the rom, get a 4 file one…apart from that no idea sorry.
hi! i’m having a hard time to figure out where to get the 3 files consists of PDA, Modem and CSC for i9003. can you send it to me the 3 files?
No sorry, I’m sure you can find a 4 file installation online.
You are my hero! After hours of searching (also for a new phone…) I finally solved the weird problem I had with my phone.
No more tempering with this phone for a while and you saved me a lot of money!
Greetings from Holland
Glad i could help!
Hello, I was wondering if you know the reason that when I try to do this to a Friend’s phone (obviously GT-I9000), it ALWAYS gets stuck at sbl.bin. I have tried so many methods and none of them work. By mistake I flashed a Vibrant as well, but that is the ONLY ROM which I can actually flash completely, but it obviously won’t boot with Vibrant ROM. I have tried so many ways, and if anyone knows the answer I will appreaciate you share it with me to hectoragr[at]me[dot]com
Thanks in advance.
P.d phone is from Telcel-Mexico.
Are you sure that it’s an i9000?
Use check fus to find the version of your phone, and where it came from. There might be a reason behind it.
Also don’t forget that pit file, and tick repartition.
Thanks for this, I need to flash my phone back to non rooted standard ROM to get the mic repaired and this will do nicely
I’m glad it did, enjoy!
Thank you so much! I enjoyed doing that. and am mega happy now my phone works!!!
Hi, I flashed my GT-I9000 about 1.5 years ago and want to try upgrading to ICS 4.1.1
I’ve got Firmware 2.3.3, XXJVO, DarkyROM JVH v10.1 RE
Would the best way be to Flash to XXJVT first? And then follow this guide?
Yup you can do that.
No need to update your current ROM to JVT though.
FYI: I have many guides
Thank you very much.. it’s Totallydubbed!!!
Your angel from above.. :p
Haha :D!
No problem
Thank you very much, great video.
My phone not able to turn on before watching this, now its complete works.
Glad i could help Alex!
i installed the gingerbread version in my samsung galaxy GT I9000 but the sim card don’t work please tell me what should i do
No idea – should work.
Hi. I have a Samsung Galaxy S GT-I 9000. My first firmware was ECLAIR. I tried to upgrade by Kies Step by step how show there. in the time of instalation ( progress 36%), kies locked, soo i should restard.When i tried to recover my upgrade, the computer don’t recognise my phone. I tried many times to put my phone in downloading mode, but won’t worked. On screen on the phone appeared “phone, one triangle and the computer” all the time.
Soo..what can i do to recover my phone back???
pls… help me…
If you still have a warranty, go complain to samsung – as if you touch it yourself, and it still doesn’t work, you’ll be breaking its warranty.
If however you are out of warranty, download a stock rom (say the one in my video) and flash it via odin and download mode as shown in the video.
Again, as this is not your fault, I highly suggest going via samsung, if it is still in warranty, or at least giving them a call.
i’m out of warranty.i watched your videos, but the problem is that i can’t enter in download mode. don’t enter with VOLUME DOWN + HOME+ START… :((((
that’s not a good sign…
Try removing the battery, and then entering download mode for 20seconds (it almost resets the phone) – then put the battery back in and try again.
If that doesn’t work….you’ll have to use/buy a JTAG/JIG
I tried to enter in download mode (the battery was removed)…the phone it’s still dead. i order a jtag/jig so i will wait to try with this method. i hope to work this time.
thanks for advise. i will let you know if work or not.
My pleasure – I hate kies for that reason – it takes forever to download, and flash the dam roms
Sorry to hear you are going through it, as you’ve done nothing wrong.
bonjour je voulais savoir le logiciel qui fait ca car je narive pas a linstallez svp
Quel logiciel? Je ne comprend pas la question.
Thanks a lot. Your post helped me to get my phone back on track. Kudos !!!
I’m glad I could help :)!
when i flash rom is complete 90% but fail modem.bin
why ? please help me?
I suggest re downloading the firmware as the modem file seems corrupt.
Hi, I have a samsung galaxy i9000 with firmware version 2.3.3 (I9000ZSJV6) and am trying to update it to the new value pack firmware (JW4). My phone has never been rooted and I only update thru Kies. But this time, kies won’t update it. It goes through the whole process of downloading the firmware and preparing the device. But in the end kies says something like “failed to recognise the device”. I read somewhere that kies will only update one version up. So, if we skipped a version kies wont update anymore. Is this true?
Any suggestions is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Not quite sure, why it isn’t working – I suggest trying to re-flash your stock firmware, and then letting Kies update it – remember to check and change your CSC.
As for your theory – no idea really, but I don’t think that’s true. Regardless, if you can use ODIN, i would use ODIN over kies, any day of the week.
Thanx man….just fixed some galaxy s phone and now am going to earn some easy money for labor…..hurrrraaayyyy!!!!
hahaha – when you paying me then :P?
hey i m an indian how do i flash this what is the firmware version for this??
You have to google or use a software like checkFus to check the firmware for you.
As for flashing it – you should pay attention to this post, and my video.
hi, what if the phone wasn’t bought in the country where i am, should i choose the country from where it was bought? or should i choose the country where i live? thanks in advance
hi i’ve got another problem. i downloaded a firmware file but when i extracted it, it does not contain a pit file
You can download the 512PIT separately (just google that).
As for which rom – if you are trying to return it for warranty -> do it in the country you are in.
after extracting the zip file there are two csc file…..which one should i use?
I think I outlined this in the video. Choose whichever, shouldn’t really matter at the end
Thank you very much!!!!
I have a big problem with my samsung galaxy s.
I have rooted it, and then flashed it with Cyanogenmod version 10.1-20130304 pst2013.
Android version 4.2.2
It all worked fine, but this Cyanogen does not work as I would, and so I would like to get it back to android 2.3.6 like before.
I have loaded the files, unzipped and this is all fine, I can set odin ok like in your video, but the problem is that when I connect the phone, Odin does not recognize it, so I can’t start it.
Do you have a solution?
By the way, thank you for all your informations, they are very effiscient.
Thank you also in advance for your answer,
Best regards
Try installing the drivers for the S1 – and/or make sure you are in download mode when connecting it up to ODIN.
ODIN should pick up your phone, no matter what rom you are on, as long as the drivers are installed
After uninstalling kies and the drivers, windows installed drivers when I connected it, and then Odin seemed to recognize it, but the rectangle is light blue instead of yellow. When I press start, it stays on “setup connection..”, and then stops with “Fail”. Do I have to install extra drivers?
I’m on download mode, with the big yellow triangle.
Thank you
Download mode is correct – have you put the right files etc on there?
Check my video guide.
Yes, I’ve checked your video in details, but as I haven’t found the files on your site, I’ve found somewhere else, wich gives me the same files when unzipped.
Is it normal that the rectangle on Odin is blue instead of yellow?
Thank you again
No that’s not normal – you entered recovery, and not download mode – watch my video and follow it by the letter
This is all ok, but now, I got a new one, the phone in screwed up.
—> I get a little drawing with a phone bound to a console with an exclamation mark between.
It’s stuck there and I can’t do anything.
The only other screen I can get is the download one, but there seem to have no data exchange with Odin.
Have you ever seen that? Is it repairable?
Thank you
That sounds like a soft brick. Can it boot into download mode?
If not…you might be in trouble :/
Download mode should work with Odin, once drivers are there. Connect the phone after opening up Odin.
INC redible
After 2 days without the battery, thanks to your encouragements, I’ve tried exactly what I had done many times before without success, and now it worked perfect, following your exact procedure. I have a new handy.
Thanks a lot for your patience and advises.
Best regards
Glad it all works
I installed it succesfully, but I can not go to the internet because the data packet transfer is not working (it is turned on, I tried with 2 different SIM cards). It is working with ICS, but not working with this JVT firmware. Do you know what could be the problem?
I also cannot change CSC, I typed *#272*IEMInumber*, and nothing happens. It does not show the CSC change menu.
I also tried to install original rom (telenor Serbia (csc = MSR) and it only shows galaxy s logo and then reboots itself, and stays stuck in boot loop.
It is one file installation, I ticked the re-partition and select 512 PIT file, as you described earlier. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Have you checked the apn settings?
Could well be csc related, and thus why you can’t get any connection to data etc
Thanks so much, it works!!
Pleasure :)!
hi I need help I have went onto sammobile to download the flashprograme, but I can not find the option, I have found the firmware part but can not see anything else this is the site I am using please help
Just google: “ODIN v1.85” and “.512 PIT” for the i9000 – you’ll find somewhere to download it off
Hi, Firstly thank you for sure a brilliant video. I have a i9000 that is stuck on the initial S screen, so would like to restore a stock rom. I can get into recovery mode and download mode OK. I have download JVT from you link. But the firmware flashing software does not seem to be on the sammobile site anymore. I have found ODIN3 v1.85 is it ok to use this version or should I use a particular version and if so which version do you recommend and where can I get it please? Also I would need a 512pit file where can this be found? Thanks for your hel
There is still JVT on sammobile – I downloaded it not long ago – you can download the later firmwares if you want instead.
As for it being stuck – make sure you wipe in recovery and give it at least 5-10mins to boot up.
And yes, you need a 510 pit. Just google it, and you’ll find it
Hi, thanks for your prompt reply. Did you mean 510 pit or did you mean 512 pit? It was the flashing software that I couldn’t find on sammobile. I have Odin3 1.85 now.
As to firmware I have just downloaded the one from you link above, I assume that is OK. At this stage I just want to get the phone to boot.
Thanks Again
No a 512 is the correct one. And yes that’s ok
Hi, Just wanted to say that thanks to your guide my I9000 is now booting again. It is now running stock XXJVT. It is an ex Orange phone and is sim locked. Can you please advise me what is the best way to unlock the phone. Also which custom rom do you prefer for your I9000.
Once again Many Thanks
Hi there,
To unlock it, there was something called galaxy unlock you could download via the market – extremely simple and usually effective.
As for the ROM – I preferred jetpack v8.2 or Amestris roms.
I think I need to root the phone before I can run the unlock app, I try this with superoneclick, but this is reported as a virus by avg. I think this is a false positive. do you know this program? What would you recommend please?
Thanks again for your help
To root use CF root.
Hi, Just wanted to say Thanks You. Phone now rooted and unlocked
Just need to install cmreovery so that I can install jetpack v8.2 or Amestris .
Thanks again
No problem brother
Hi, having installed the STOCK XXJVT rom my phone is working well thank you, except I don’t seem to be able to get i gps fix. Are there any known problems with this rom and gps that yo know of please?
No idea bro.
GPS – could be related to your modem and your country.
Try changing modem and see how it pans out for you
OK I thought I might try a newer firmware first, so checked on Sammobile and the latest seems to be When I extract this i get a singe tar file (JW4_JW5_Jw4.tar). now the three separtate file (PDA,Phone,CSC) as before. To flash this do I just put the tar in the pda section of Odin?
Many Thanks
Tar file goes in the PDA section of Odin. 1 file flash or with a 512 pit and repartition making it a 2 file flash
Thanks Again
No probs
Hey, bit puzzled with this. Followed your instructions and did the 4 file flash. It all went through fine and odin told me it was a pass, but my phone will still not boot up past the logo screen. Any thoughts? It’s driving me mad, I hate to be defeated!! Cheers
Try going into recovery and then wiping/factory resetting. I hope it will work. Give it 10 mins to boot though
Thanks for replying! Better give you some background on this phone.
Bought half a phone. Purchased required bits from ebay, the main part being the motherboard! Put it all together and it worked perfectly. It was running Eclair though, so plugged it into Kies and was told, as I expected, it needed updating. Did this, and then the phone wouldn’t boot past the logo screen and I couldn’t get it into download mode either. Have done that now with a usb jig. That’s when i tried flashing it following your instructions. Odin said it had worked but it was still getting stuck on the logo screen! Couple of extra bits of info: 1. I cannot get it to go into recovery mode, ONLY download mode. 2. I noticed it came up with a t-mobile logo when I first switched it on ( when it was working!) I’ve spent a long time searching google, but have not found an answer. Is there any other way to wipe it in the state it’s in now (without access to recovery) and then try flashing it with all the necessary files?? Hope you can help, Cheers
I would flash via ODIN a T MOBILE ROM. I think it has to do with that.
Make sure you are flashing a right file – ie for the i9000 and not the i9000m or whatever the US versions are.
Finally try aiming for a 2 file or 4 file installation. That insures you have a 512 PIT and that you can wipe the phone – like a fresh install on windows.
I can’t really help, especially not knowing what the phone was from etc.
Hope that helps though!
Hello my friend ,
I cant get connected to the odin when my phone is in downloading mode.
I didn’t get the yellow\Blue in ID:COM.
Can you please help me ?
Thank you.
Hi there,
Try installing the “USB Drivers for Samsung phones” and then try making sure that USB Debugging is enabled in your developer setting and that the cable you’re using is one that picks up normally in “My Computer”