Pros: Brilliant mids and highs, cheap price for a BA, very light weight
Cons: Lacks real bass impact
Packaging & Accessories: 9/10
Build Quality: 9/10
Design & Look: 10/10
Isolation: 9/10
Comfort: 10/10
Audio Quality: 8.5/10
Value: 8/10
My final Rating: 8.5/10
Purchase Date: January 2012
Purchase Price: Was won in a competition – RRP £120
Here is an unboxing video of them:
First of all let me say this is one of my favourite BA driver earphones I have ever heard.
That said, being a basshead, these didn’t deliver in the bass department – I can’t deny the fact that they were brilliant that said, so i feel my review reflects what it should for the general people – thus basshead and non-basshead alike.
The 112’s are the black version with no mic
The 122’s are the white version with mic
The 111’s are the white version with no mic
The 121’s are the white version with mic
The 132’s are the black version with a mic and volume buttons
(this will help people, including myself who didn’t know about this before)
I had the 112’s
The rest of the review is mainly taken from my extensive review of these in comparison with 6 other earphones within the £100 price bracket.
Packaging, accessories, box content, overall first impressions (look wise)
Now, I thought the MTPG’s impressed me with their packaging, and they still in my mind hold the best box contents I have ever seen for a set of earphones, but the PFE 112’s come in second. I love what Audéo have done here, they have provided some strain relief, ear tips, a very classy pouch, but most importantly a very nice box for your audio filters, which in some might seem unnecessary, but to me speaks real professionalism and real class. It also had a pair of some Comply tips, which I found really useful for the SQ.
The box itself speaks of authority and presence, what springs to mind when I see them is: “professional” and I don’t usually get the impression; only with the Westone 2’s did I ever get that sort of impression. So well done to Audéo for the nice box, and great presentation of their earphones!
Build Quality
Yet again, Audéo have impressed me. Build quality is brilliant, and wow, these wires are sublime. Absolutely fell in love with them, I think it would be a real challenge to actually TRY TO TANGLE them. They untangle with EASE, and the wire quality is much thicker and much better than the previous two. The ear buds themselves are VERY light, possibly half the weight of the other two, then again these case Balanced Armature (BA) drivers and not Dynamic Drivers (DD) – which would explain the weight.
Overall, really impressed, doesn’t feel like they will break any time soon, and seem to be very well built.
Now the overall look, comfort and isolation
Sounds like nothing but praise for these angels, the PFE 112’s yet again don’t disappoint, their comfort is brilliant, you hardly feel them on your ears (even though they go around your ears, quite literally), the look is very professional, and see some business men/women wearing them, and the isolation is great – they don’t leak, when you have them on, especially paired with some Comply’s you can’t hear any outside noise (well little to nothing) – great job by Phonak, again!
Sound Quality
Overall, these are the best look, comfortable etc earphones, however their sound didn’t really impress me – I found that these were cheap for BA drivers, however, if I really wanted 2x BA I would buy the Westone 2’s – but seeing as they are more expensive, I can’t really take them into consideration/comparison – don’t get me wrong these are good, but weren’t for me
Let me be blunt here, they exist, but really, my EX500’s did better, yet again, BA drivers for bass aren’t it – they don’t hit hard enough, nor have any real presence – again, this is my preference, and they do sound great overall, but for anything with bass in it, forget it, you’ll be asking yourself, “where is it?!” – Snoop Dogg’s drop it like it’s hot, never sounded flatter, let me put it that way.
Now these are the PFE 112’s forte – they sound amazing on mids and highs – really pronounced, up front and strong – don’t get me wrong they don’t hurt your ears, like the C710’s, these sound perfect. When I put on some classical music, the violin sent shivers down my back – absolutely sublime. I never got this with the W2’s, that said the W2’s I guess can be considered as more bassy BA driver earphones to some extent, these don’t try to be a wanna-be bass earphone, as a £50 earphone could do better than them – these excel where they need to, and do an absolute BRILLIANT job – a real pleasure to listen to them
Sound stage:
The BA drivers, really shine again here, they come from all directions, and felt to me that I was listening to music from different directions, not a huge difference over the other 2 in this review, but a little better.
Overall, if you want earphones that aren’t stupidly expensive, want a nice bundled box of contents, and not really looking for bassy earphones, these are them – good job Audéo, you have impressed me quite a lot, these are not for me, but I see how people can like your earphones, and really admire what you have done with them, especially with the audio filters, which slightly alter the SQ to your preference – very professional if you ask me.
Sound Quality Ratings:
Lows: 4 / 5 out of 10
Mids: 8 / 7 out of 10
Highs: 9 / 8 out of 10
Soundstage: 8/10
First rating (left) is for the grey filter
Second rating (right) is the black filter
I hope you enjoyed the review!
Can you wear this straight down if you wear the left headphone in the right ear
No you cannot and even if you could shouldn’t lol. Wearing these over the ear is really comfortable anyway