XDA Link + downloads – latests will be on there
I much prefer this (from what I used/tried, against onecosmics one) felt more polished, faster and with less problems and more features!
Remember about the WIPE – you WIPE AFTER FLASH coming from oncosmic, and if you are coming from ANOTHER ROM or CM7 WIPE BEFORE!
can you say me what is working and what not? Is it a daily ROM or only for testing ICS on the Galaxy S? Im on Darky 10.2.2 and want an ICS ROM that works properly.
Thanks so far for your Vids
everything works perfectly (from what I know)
Only thing is battery life is “great” but acceptable
this sounds good. My Galaxy runs around one day but not much longer. I think i will flash this and see whats coming.
give the sgs some time

Just after flashing a ROM it will always be a little worse in battery = let it “learn” the rom
only thing that doesent work is video recording. and its a litle jerky but otherwise i love the rom. gives me 149megs of ram.
is this one better then the beta 1 that i am on right now??
I would say so yes
So only i have to do if im correct is download the beta 9 and flash it? I’m on B1 flashed over CM7 right now
do i just download this one and flash it over beta 1 ?
Yes, follow my guide on how to
Hello, i tried in vain to install it ,i keep getting an infinite bootloop every single time. Iam on galnet ICS STABLE 2.11.26 (JVK) . Thanks for the help
You should first flash CM7.1 then CM9
wtf didnt see my second last reply so i put it on again yesterday evening and now i see em both again
what bro? lol